
Hey galz! Welcome to my website! My name is swampy and I am an artist and wetlands conservation enthusiast from North Simcoe, Ontario :) Thanks for visiting!

You should totally use the navigation links in the sidebar to the left to check out all my cool stuff, like my blog and my artwork :) Please note that this site is still under construction, same as it ever was. There's still lots I want to do with this site, so please check back later for updates!

N what's new?

Last updated: 12/4/24

I'll most likely be nuking the blog section. It's a lot of work to update regularly, and since most of my updates are about my real life, I don't really want to keep doing that. From now on, current updates will just go here on the front page. I'll leave the blog archive links up for a bit - I have pages to replace that section with eventually - but they need some TLC first.

On the art front,I'm currently working on scanning my second finished sketchbook, AQDX. The link for it is there, but the page isn't active just yet. You might notice I've also removed the archive of old digital art. Just didn't need it! So that's gone, but don't worry, I'll be adding a new page for my digital sketches soon :) It's done. It's all done. Go look at it!

Skullgirls shrine is on the way! I have most of the content written, but I need to edit some images for it. I've also decided my next shrine after that, but it's a secret :) It is for another video game, but not a fighting game this time. (Um, probably.)

Probably the biggest update, and the one that I have to be the most vague about here, is that I'm working on a large-scale project that is going to require a whole second Neocities site to host. I'm a little bit superstitious when it comes to sharing info on stuff I'm not finished yet, so I really don't want to say much about it. What I WILL say, though, is that AQDX has some sketches related to this project inside of it, so once that's uploaded, have a peek :3