a quick shout out to moles

July 6th 2023

Love those guys!

drunk website redesign hours

junly 2nd 2023

Good evening WOEMN...nmenb are not allowed to read this one! If you're nonbinary or something ese, that's ok. Also, I changed my mind. Men canread this one. I just like to say, "good evening WOMEN." It's so funny.

AS you might havew noticec, my website looks totally different dnow! Well not TOTALYL. it looks pretty diofferent. I waNTED to go with a more standard 1998 fansite vibe. So I changed it.

Hey, do you ever feel like you miossed out on internet commuinityies that you would havber thrived on btw? I never played final fantasy but i feel like if i was born a few years earlier, i would have been DEEEEEP in the FF livejournal community.

So you might have noticed twitter is falling again. Yeah...I don't know, I took the twitter and insta links off my site cause i feel like nothjing good is gonna come fgrom there. I dont really want to feel like either of those are my main home base anymore. I want it to be here!!! I really like neocities! It's a lot of work, nbut it feels like hwat I WANT out of an internet experience!!!

By the way, the reason im so silly mode rn is cause i bought these hot dorito dinamite thingas and ive been washing them down with spiked Arizonas. Is that not the most Sophomore Year thing yuve ever heardc? Thats what you do when youre too old for fireball but you still like Flabours. SHIT dude. I love flabours. I actually cant tastye ythe spicy anymore thougm. iu tjink on drink 3 or 4? which isnt much but uive veen POUNDING these fuys. iuts literally beenm like 39 minuttesd sice i started drinking.

Anyway, thanks so much neocities community :) I feel much better knowing there are people out there whjo want the same kind of interet experiewnce that i do. damn. tbhats powerfulk. did we allm watch the hazel video or what? I lover you guys. im gonna be back latrer this week with some roller derby stuff for this site and maybe some new drawings...andf deinitely wanna get a start on my shrines. Iw ant to write about Street Fighter. its so good. it s mky new casvouyrite cideo game.

Thanks for playing as always!!! :) ily guyz. xoxoxl/. -SWAPY